Spend in Singleton

The secret is out that Singleton is a great place to shop

Spend in Singleton

When you go local, you help our community thrive

Spend in Singleton

Give the gift of local shopping

Spend in Singleton

Purchase Your Gift Card

Spend in Singleton

Purchase Your Gift Card

Sign Up

Do you own a business and wish to sign up to the Spend in Singleton gift card program?

The process is as simple!

  1. Register your business with Why Leave Town
  2. A representative from the Singleton Business Chamber will schedule a time with your business to activate your EFTPOS terminal and demonstrate the gift card redemption process. Customers redeem their cards just like any other standard EFTPOS transaction. The purchase amount is deposited directly into your bank account.
  3. You do not need to be a Chamber member to be involved in the program

If you have any questions regarding the Spend in Singleton gift card program, the Singleton Business Chamber is here to help. Give us a call on 0400 460 412 or email admin@singletonchamber.org.au